Changing Rooms
Since posting a couple of shots of my apartment the other week, i found myself deluged with e-mail remarking that it was a) very nice, b) rather bare, c) had wood floors that you can dance on and d)lacked a minibar. In some cases it was also e) all of the above (thank you Andrew!). Well, not wanting to disappoint, i took it upon myself to go furniture hunting to fill out the place. Actually, that's not really true. All i did was sit on my backside and receive an e-mail from a friend (Thach-Giao - who lived in the apartment before i did) informing me that he sister and sister's boyfriend were moving to LA, they had some furniture up for grabs (before Labor day - this coming Monday) and was i interested. The items in question - a fouton, a dresser and a computer chair - were definitely something that got my attention so i e-mailed off for more details. To cut a long story short, the prices on sale were in good condition, very reasonably priced ($125 for a 9 month old fouton, $40 for a nearly new dresser and the chait for free) and as an added bonus, could be delivered to me - thus saving me lots of hassle with getting a truck and friends to help me move them.
So, yesterday at 6.30, they arrived and that was that - $165 (about 90 pounds) and a few minutes later, and my apartment was feeling much more homely. I can't describe how nice it is to have somewhere else to lounge on other than my bed. The dresser now means that i have a bit more storage space for clothes and helped make my walk-in wardrobe a bit less cluttered. The computer chair means that i now have the luxury of having a chair at both my desk AND table at the same time!!! Good or what! (I can hear you all shaking your head in bemusement, no doubt). Anyway, the best outcome of all this is that i now have additional sleeping space for those of you wanting to make the journey over here. I'll be expecting you!