Thursday, August 18, 2005

After the Flood

Waking up this morning, i found that the waters had gone down somewhat over night - but still had to wade through a few inches of water to get to the (much drier) main road. Again, i was thankful that i'd bought a new pair of trainers (sorry, tennis shoes) a couple of weeks back so at least i had dry shoes to change into. At work, i found out that i wasn't the only victim of the flash floods last night. Ashley had to park outside her neighborhood and wade in to get home, carefully avoiding all the bags of leaves that were floating around (trash day tomorrow so everyone had thoughtfully put them out to be carried away by the rising waters). Kaz, a Japanese post-doc, ended up having to be rescued from his car when it got stuck in the middle of a puddle (he had to get it towed this morning) and it was quite precarious driving for others as well. I had visions of a repeat performance this afternoon when it began to rain again - but fortunately, it was just that light rain that you can never really see but gets you very wet. The drainage system, this time, managed to take the strain.

Being from the UK, it's almost a tradition to grumble about the varied weather we have there - be it occasionally very hot to generally cool and damp, to often freezing cold. Yet in my few weeks here in Charleston, i've had all this and more so - except (quite appopriately for America), it's been more extreme. And this is before any hurricanes have gotten close to us yet.


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