Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Magic Number Part 2

For those of you that are waiting for me to get a landline (yes, there are a couple of people), i have to ask for a bit more patience on your part. This is not my fault - it is primarily due to the phone company insisting on having my social security number - yep, the magic number is still not here yet. This is likely because some government 'official' still hasn't decided whether i exist over here yet (although curiously all the companies are happy to take my money. Funny that!). Anyway, i've tried to get in touch with the social security by phone only for them to have no comment (read: they couldn't be bothered to answer the phone) and they don't have an e-mail. I would write a letter to them except the last time i tried to find the post office in Charleston (using directions off of friends and the yellow pages), i ended up lost in the deep dark depths of downtown Charleston (i even made it to the lower point of the peninsula). However, there is light at the end of the tunnel - the sister of a friend of mine has recently received her number after 7 weeks (nearly at that time point!) so there's a good chance that mine will be here soon.

On other fronts, please please please feel free to add comments to the posts here - i'm pretty sure that you don't have to be a member to do this. Of the three comments i have so far, two have been from Americans and one from a friend in Liverpool. At least give me a bit of feedback as to whether i should be more or less vicious about the Americans (kidding, Mum) and if it's entertaining or not.

Anyway apologies for the rather bland posting today - i'm recovering from a couple of long days in the lab (hence the lack of post yesterday). Sure i'll be back up to full speed tomorrow. But then that depends on how the meeting with my boss goes in the morning.


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