Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Dress Sense

A friend requested (some time ago now actually) that i write a post commenting on the American fashion sense or, mainly, if they had one or not - as the person in question recalled it being quite bad from a previous visit. Having been here a while now, and taken the time to go browsing round the malls (exactly like British shopping centres except the kids and adults are naturally louder), i've had a chance to look at both the clothes on sale, and the ones that people wear. As you can imagine, there's something of a leaning towards shorts (even in the lab - not sure if i'd do that with all those chemicals sloshing about). But in all honesty, i haven't really seen any real absolute horrors that should be taken by the fashion police and locked away for life - so i can't really take the piss out of the Americans over this one. At least the ones i know anyway.

Whilst no real clashes have been seen in terms of mixing and matching, there are some things that you would like to change. The rather large women who insist on either a) not wearing bras (seems to be mainly coloured woman) or b) wearing trousers and tops so tight that every roll of fat can be seen - but then, lets face it, this also happens in the UK too (although there are perhaps a few more larger people here). There is also a big fondness for Burberry over here - something that no longer exists in the UK thanks to the evolution of Chavs. However, it's quite difficult trying to explain what Chavs are to the average American (non-scientific) and so i just advise them not to wear it if they go to the UK - who knows what they'd be mistaken for!


At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute post! Being an American, I didn't know what a 'chav' was, and in doing a little research on my own, I found the most informative site:

We have those here as well--I only wish we had a term for them! I mean, a term other than, "trashy, tasteless people who think they're hip-hop stars" or something equivalent!


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