Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Things That Need To Go Away

As always in life, there are things that just seem to be everywhere and, to be frank, need to go away. At the moment over here, there seems to be something of an upsurge in the number of things that, quite frankly, I need to stop hearing. So they need to disappear, vanish into Room 101 or something.

1. Britney Spears - Okay, so she went 'crazy' and is in rehab. Like so many other young females who are exposed to fame at early ages. It doesn't mean I want to hear about it all the time.

2. Anna Nicole Smith - Okay, so she died and was quite young - it is tragic, but I'm sure that i'm not the only one sick of the 'soap opera' style court cases that are continually being thrust into the news. Do these people have no shame? Can't they just let the poor woman rest in peace.

3. The Iraq Issue - So, the current administration misled the public to carry out an illegal war in Iraq. Everyone realises four years to late and now the Democrats decide that they're going to do something about it - basically blocking the current administration's plans (not necessarily a bad thing). Fine and dandy, except the Democrats don't seem to have a strategy themselves (other than running away and leaving someone else to clean up the mess). Whilst I appreciate this is a major issue, I tire of the fact that all conversations on this subject are just going round and round in circles. Enough already!

4. The current administration - And whilst we're at it, the current administration just needs to disappear from the annals of history all together. Of course, is the next one going to be any better??

5. David and Victoria Beckham - so Becks is moving from Real Madrid (one of the greatest football teams on the planet) to LA. And it's about the football??? Hmmm. Seriously, they've barely got here and already the news and 'entertainment' channels (I use the term loosely) are falling over themselves about it. Oh, for a really world class psychiatrist!!

6. Advertisements - Not only are they on an obscene amount of times over here (4 commericals in a half hour show! 6 times in an hour long) but they're either incredibly annoying, inane, just plain stupid or all of the above. In particular, i'm sick of adverts for local law firms touting for business, and car adverts. Just as bad over here as back home.

Ok, so only a handful of things. I could go on but we'd probably be here all night. And, naturally, this is by no means comprehensive. If anyone else wants to add their own thoughts about what's driving them crazy right now, please feel free to add. Apart from Britney, of course.

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