Sunday, August 20, 2006

Getting Back

After the very long day yesterday (I got up at 6.15 AM British Time, 1.15AM Charleston Time and got to bed at 11PM Charleston Time, 4.00AM Charleston Time), today is devoted to recovering from the journey, and the jet lag, and generally getting used to being back in Charleston again. Fortunately, the nature of using cells means that it's going to be a couple of days before i can fully get into the swing of things at work (thankfully) which means that i can take it relatively easy for the time being. Of course, me being me, i nipped into the lab this morning to start those cells growing but it took all of half an hour to sort things out so i'm now back in my good ol' coffee shop waiting for a workmate to call so i can go food shopping.

Of course, getting used to Charleston again means getting used to the temperatures - within minutes of getting off the plane, i had been reminded of just how hot and humid it can be here and that was at 9.00pm (29C and pretty humid). Suffice to say it's back to shorts and t-shirts and my jackets have been retired (temporarily) to the wardrobe. Whilst i may have missed the real heat of the summer, you kind of forget just how long summer tends to go on for. Despite all that though, it's nice to be back (although, as i said, it was a wrench to leave the UK again) and, i have to admit, on the plane back from Philadelphia last night, there was a sense of coming home. This was helped by going to a friend's house for a party not long after landing (they lived close to the airport so it was nice to swing by for an hour or so). When i went in, everybody cheered and applauded. Felt like i should go away more often!!!


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