Friday, December 16, 2005

Party Party Two: The hangover strikes back!

With having the departmental Christmas party tomorrow evening, i was planning on having a relatively quiet evening today - but this turned out not to be the case. I was invited by a workmate to the Department of Medicine Christmas party. Y'see, my boss (Dr. Hannun) is in Biochemistry whereas his wife and frequent collaborator (Dr. Obeid) is in the Department of Medicine, even though we share the same floor on the same building. Go figure! Anyway, I scrubbed up and smartened myself up suitably to attend the party - held at the Aquarium on the far side of the peninsula to MUSC. I had been warned that this was going to be suitably snobby and i wasn't disappointed - something about the medical profession over here that dictates most of them have to have their heads lodged firmly up their own backsides. However, this afforded plenty of entertainment along the lines of Doctors + Alcohol = Chaos.

Despite this somewhat aloof attitude, i was very happy to be there - mainly cause of the large range of free alcohol they had on offer (it was getting to a point where the guys at the table where having my drink ready before i got to the front of the queue - is that a bad thing?). Plus, i hadn't made it out to the aquarium before, and so had the chance to wander round and check things out. This is a very pleasant place - with a focus on the species common to the Low Country area. So, what with one thing and another, there was plenty of animal watching - although i have to say that the fish seemed to be having a better time than SOME of the medical crowd.


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