Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Brit Pop

Having recently grown weary of the somewhat limited amount of CDs i managed to bring over here, i finally caved in and decided to download Yahoo music - just so i can have some access to a wider variety of stuff. This isn't too bad value - you pay a fixed (small) price per month to have access to the songs so you can listen to them at your whim. Then, if you decide you want to download them properly, you can pay an extra amount per song (i doubt i'll ever do this, but you never know). At the moment, i think it's pretty good value so am gonna stick with it - but i imagine at some point in the future, it'll annoy me and i'll quit. Hey, watch this space!

Anyway, no sooner had i downloaded the programs etc., i went to town and spent a few hours downloading approximately 500 songs (give or take) and putting them into some decent playlists for the lab. Now, major priority for me was to download some music from across the Pond (the UK) that isn't really very popular over here or hasn't really made it. This has prompted lots of questions from colleagues along the lines of 'Oooh, this is good, who is it?' followed by repeated blank looks when i explain. Take for example, Oasis - who this year (i think it was) released their sixth album ("Don't Believe The Truth" - assuming you don't count "The Masterplan"). Well, over here, all the Oasis they are aware of are the first two albums (at best) and a smattering of songs. In this case, perhaps, you could argue that they're better off - as it's widely held that after albums 1 and 2, the group went downhill. But then that's subjective. Anyway, you can be rest assured that i am slowly educating the Americans in good amounts of British music. Well, at least the REALLY cheesy stuff!


At 6:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You let me know what you want and I shall provide...although good taste is required!


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