Monday, December 12, 2005

To Dunk or Not To Dunk

Yesterday in the lab was our Christmas lunch - where everyone brings a dish (either home-made or bought) and we all basically eat, sit around and gossip for a good hour or so. Someone even bought along some Starbucks coffee so we all had enough caffeine to keep us going for the rest of the afternoon. Anyway, this was a very pleasant affair - but at some point along the way, i caused something of a surprise by dunking a biscuit (I refuse to call them cookies!) in my coffee. This surprise was mainly good - Kathy, lab manager of one of the two labs here (not my one, but the other) adores dunking biscuits in hot drinks but it's apparently something not done down here in the South. Suffice to say, she grabbed some more coffee and followed suit - enjoying a guilty pleasure.

This got me thinking, somewhat humurously, that i should set up a Dunker's Anonymous group or something - imagine it. "My name's Chris and i like to dunk!" Even the refreshments table would have to be free of all confectionary lest anyone should indulge in the habit! Anyway, we all discussed the pros and cons of dunking (major con - when the biscuit gets so soggy it falls into the drink and ends up a congealed mess at the bottom of the cup) although, alas, we never really got beyond the 'It's just something not done' for an explanation as to why people don't do it - perhaps in a more conservative society, dunking biscuits is to liberal a thing to do. Or something. Who can tell?


At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dunking is WRONG!!!

Eurgh, the very thought of soggy, mushy bisquit.... well, all I can say is "yuk".

Liz x

At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS. Obviously I know that's not how you spell biscuit!! Or cookie, perhaps.



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