Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Wash Day Drama

Having severely procrastinated with regards to my laundry (sorry, washing!), I finally managed to haul myself to the laundrette whereupon i blatantly ignored the signs suggesting that overloading the machines is a bad idea, and sat down with Harry Potter 6 (i'm re-reading it for the first time to see if it's an better) to wait. However, I soon found that I didn't need a book to keep me entertained. I have mentioned on here previously (way back when i posted about my first wash day) that there was something of a sense that there was a social side to it all. Well, I discovered today that there was also the melodramatic angle as well.

Now, far be it from me to eavesdrop on conversations but, let's face it, the volume that most people speak over here makes it difficult not to hear what they're shouting down their mobiles about. This particularly applies to the girls here (sorry - it sounds blatantly sexist, but it's true). Take, for example, the young woman who was at the end of the row. From what she said, it seemed she worked in TV but she made the point of ringing up four people (within an hour, i should add) to moan about her ex-boyfriend, what a bastard he was, and how she so didn't care but it was annoying that he was carrying on with so-and-so from California who wasn't even pretty and everyone hated her etc. etc. Talk aboout rivaling the soaps! (you *knew* that pun would work itself in their somewhere). Anyway, i had to resist the urge to jump in and tell her that she was talking a lot of rubbish but then the entertainment would have stopped. Suffice to say, I can't wait to see what adventures i'll be able to listen to the next time I visit. It's better than the TV!


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