Sunday, September 04, 2005

Evolution of species

Ever the social butterly, last night was taken up with a meal at a chinese restaurant (one visited often by the couple of chinese post-docs in the lab) followed by drinks at a bar/club in town - "The Living Room", situated on upper King Street. This was to celebrate the birthday of Jola's sister (Jola is a friend and colleague) who has been living here for the past couple of months and is leaving next week - so it also doubled as a farewell gathering. Anyway, arriving at the club around 11 found it quite empty - and we wondered if many people actually went there. It was no surprise to find that as time went on, the crowds began to come in - and whereupon I uncovered a whole new species that, i guess, must have evolved independently - the American Chav.

The perfect specimen of US chav-dom (of which there were a couple i admit) looked about 18 years old but carried himself with a swagger as if he were at least 25 and a fair few pounds heavier. He had a baseball cap on backwards, a black vest and some pale casual trousers on that seemed to rest halfway down his backside (there was a belt - though it clearly wasn't doing it's job properly). Oh, and of course, there was the ridiculously oversize shiny watch and chain - and a tattoo that looked like one good wash would bring it off. Thus, i spent most of the night quietly observing their behaviour, as a naturalist does with a pride of lions - and saw that it was very much similar to the UK chav - except perhaps with a bit more R and B thrown in for good measure (a highlight of the evening was when a group gathered on the dance floor to have one of those breakdancing competitions ala the video of the Run DMC song - "It's Like That"). Hereby, i propose a new term to describe this subset of chav - the ChavUsa. Now what are the odds of the Oxford English Dictionary accepting this?


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At 3:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

American Chavs.... SCARY!!!!

Are you going to go to that club again, then?

Liz x

At 11:10 AM, Blogger Chris Clarke said...

I'm actually quite tempted too. As someone who likes to watch human behaviour, i find it quite interesting.


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