Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Back at the Gym

Having been kept from the gym for a couple of months - what with various hectic goings on at work, and a trip to Canada - as well as feeling a bit unwell and a birthday in the midst of it all too, i finally managed to haul my sorry backside back into an exercise routine a couple of weeks ago (and, my God, it's hard work!!). Anyway, the timing couldn't have been better - with a lot of the students at the university in the middle of exams, and revision and generally not making nuisances of themselves, it's made life a lot easier - in terms of getting onto machines and the place not being overly crowded. Having said that, i've had plenty of time to watch the comings and goings of the various people that use the facilities there - and they seem to be split into a number of categories.

There are the casual users - the ones that come in and use the machines for all of five minutes, maybe go and run for about 5 minutes and then leave, and probably wonder why it's not having any effect. There are the die-hards - the ones who are either stick thin (in the female case) or built like brick s**t-houses (in the male case) who spend every second of time in the gym working out (or walking to and from the water fountain). There are the average users (like myself) who fall somewhere between the two (to varying degrees) and then those that are evidently there on doctors orders (usually cause of weight) - who are trying to make the effort but either can't be bothered or don't really know what to do (and so do most exercises incorrectly). It's quite something to watch (as i'm running or cycling or rowing) as this microcosm society goes about it's business. Hey, at least it makes exercising a little more interesting.


At 9:26 AM, Blogger Milo said...

My wife says the "die-hards" have what she calls "gym muscles." That is to say, she feels they're little more than window dressing, not indicative of any serious fitness. Me? Sure, I'm thin, but I like how I look. I'd rather that "Form follow function" so to speak. So when I do the gym (4 times a week) I focus on tone and muscle endurance--lots of repetititons with smaller weights, say, 20 or 30 pounds. Sit-ups, running, just good old fashioned stuff. I don't have to be intimidated by the big dogs, and I can still look like a piece of beef-jerky with my shirt off. Funny how personal insecurities tend to drive the people at my gym.

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Chris Clarke said...

I agree completely. I find it amusing to watch these guys as they swagger about the place like they own the place - but most of them seem like they'd collapse on a treadmill after a couple of minutes.


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