Monday, May 01, 2006

Immigrant No-Work Day

The ongoing debate about what to do with illegal immigration over here in the US has been percolating for some time - kinda like a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico - and yet there still seems to be lots of debate as to how the current administration is going to handle it - particularly given that their recent proposals on the matter were, after a fashion, laughed out of the Senate. Well, today, matters took an interesting turn with the appearance of 'America without Immigrants' work day - a day where the intent was for all immigrants (legal or otherwise) were to not go to work and see what happened. Personally, i was expecting all the McDonalds across the nation to be shut - but i don't think that happened.

Y'see, the major problem was that a lot of immigrants didn't want to skip work - mainly as they had gone through the long arduous process of legal immigration - rather than the illegals who seemed to be the major focus of the day. And, indeed, why should they? It seems to be asking a lot for the illegal immigrants to not only enter the country illegally, but then try and badger the government into letting them stay. But then other's point out that the immigrants do the jobs that Americans don't want to do (the menial tasks) so stopping the flow would be a bad idea - however, as someone quite appropriately pointed out, it's not that the Americans don't want to do the jobs, it's just that they won't do these jobs on a slave wage. And there i thought the slave trade ended a couple of centuries ago.


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