Sunday, May 07, 2006

BBQ Season

Okay, so whilst BBQ season probably started a few weeks back when the weather first started getting warm over here, it just seemed like a snappy title so allow me some poetic licence, okay? Anyway, yesterday was the first BBQ of the year for me (or grill out as the Yanks are so fond of calling it). The occasion? My colleague Jola and her husband Aleks (spelling is correct, they are Polish) were finally celebrating moving into their first home (why finally, i hear you ask? Well, they moved about six weeks ago!) and so invited a large number of us over for food, drink and, well, the general merry making. Added on to all this, another workmate bought their karaoke machine round and so you can quite imagine what it was like as people got slightly drunker and the songs got seemingly harder to sing either in pitch or tone.

Anyway, fortunately for all the weather held out for the day (given that the forecast was for showers and/or possible thunderstorm) and, in fact, was very nice indeed. The house in question was very nice - whilst it is quite a way from downtown (about a 25 minute drive), it's in a quiet neighborhood and, although relatively close to a main road, is fortunately protected by a few layers of trees that both soundproof and hide it. There was a lot of vegetarian food on offer (both Jola and Aleks are) - all of it pretty tasty too (I particularly liked the hummus and warm flatbread. Yum) and we all sang the night away. Well, some of it anyway. I also managed to sneak a few photos - watch this space and they will hopefully appear this week.


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