For here or to go?
Without having a car, i've had to rely on (very kind) workmates to give me rides to and from, when it comes to grocery shopping. This has its advantages - in that they've been here for sometime and so know the better places to shop (was recently introduced to a FABULOUS bakery that has amazing bread. I shall definitely have to go back). Then, on the downside, it means that i've got into something of a two-three weekly cycle when it comes to eating and meals. Thus, immediately after a shop, i'm all for eating at home and cooking myself (unless its been a very long day at work). But then as we get to the tail end of the cycle, and meals become a bit less interesting, the temptation to eat out grows.
Of course, lacking a car, means that the choice isn't very wide at the moment - but with a short walk downtown (if i so wish), i can't really moan. A favourite place at the moment is Norm's - in fact the first place i ate when i arrived in Charleston this time around. It's a simple affair - they offer pizzas, salads, subs, wraps, chicken wings etc. Nothing fancy, but its bloody good - and good value too (at least the subs are - not had the pizzas yet, but they look ok). Anyhow, they also sell Newcastle Brown Ale - always a plus, and are generally just a nice place to sit and relax after work (you can guess that i occasionally find myself wandering there can't you). So, its not high cuisine, but for something quick, simple and tasty, it fits the bill well. And its a damn sight better than McDs.