Happy Independence Day! Yep, today is the 229th Birthday of the USA and, as you'd probably expect, is an excuse for lots of patriotic flag-waving, chants of U-S-A! and the letting off of lots of fireworks in the back garden. Yep, nothing says "Yay, America!" like blowing things up. I shouldn't moan really - let's face it, the British invented Jingoism, but then, this being America, it usually has to be done bigger and better. And louder. I was just chatting with a friend in the lab and she told me that there are no less than six organised fireworks displays happening in and around the Charleston area. And when you factor in the non-organised, back garden fireworks, that amounts to an awful lot of noise. Whilst this would normally mean me burying my head under the pillow in a futile attempt to drown out the racket, as i've been invited to a 4th July party, i reckon i'll probably be a cause of some of it. At least there'll be one solitary voice singing "God Save the Queen", at least for a few moments. John, you would be proud!
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