All Done
So, after eleven fun days with my Dad, the day finally arrived when he had to go back to reality and the UK - probably a good thing given that the weather the past couple of days had been somewhat reminiscent of home. Anyway, at 9.30 or so, I duly left work to give him a ride to the airport. After a quick coffee, and news of delays thanks to weather at Newark airport (wind, snow, rain - the usual suspects), I headed back to the lab and left Dad to his fate. Of course, I naturally spent some time at my computer repeatedly tracking his progress at various points on the way (i love using the real time flight trackers - very fun!) to make sure he got back in one piece. Thankfully, the number i gave him to call me seemed to work this time so we managed to speak when he had got to Newark in one piece. As I type this now, he's somewhere over the Atlantic ocean, or rather he should be - according to flight trackers, he's delayed. Anyway, for me it's been a thoroughly fun two weeks (or therabouts) and now, i guess, i have to really throw myself back into work and try and get as much done before i head off to California for a conference in March (seems like a long way away, but it'll soon be here, believe me). Hopefully, now, with my Dad having made it over here, other friends and family won't have so much of an excuse not to come and visit me themselves. Anyways, here are a couple of pics from the last week or two. Enjoy.

Dad, attempting to look American and blend in.

Me and a new friend.

My Dad trying to find the right way home.
The Old Man (Dad)
Well Christopher I had a great time over there,thanks to you.It was nice to see you,where you live/work and meet some of your friends.
Thanks again for the holiday,I'll remember it for some time.
Dad XX
glad you both enjoyed the visit,good photo's, hope to see more when your dad come's round.aunty julie
Glad you enjoyed yourselves, look forward to seeing more photos. Big brother says Dad cant wait to come back, he may become a traveller yet!! Love, Mumxxx
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