Friday, January 05, 2007


Of course, with New Year comes the age-old tradition of making a few resolutions that you intend to stick to for the coming 12 months and usually make it through at the very most 12 days before everyone of them has crumbled and you can spend the remainder of 2007 wallowing in your own guilt and self-pity. A friend of mine once decreed that New Year resolutions were utterly pointless as, if you wanted to resolve to change your lifestyle in some way, why on earth wait until New Year? I did try and point out that people see New Year as a 'fresh start/new beginning' type of thing but he (quite accurately) pointed out that it's just an excuse and people who use it are rarely taking things seriously. That said, i usually try and make one resolution myself - although these are invariably not along the lines of 'I will do this...' but more 'I will continue to do....' whatever it may be. I tend to find that these are more successful. That said, with a number of people back in the UK suggesting that I may becoming more americanised (ha!), I thought i would make a few resolutions on here (with you all as witnesses) to ensure that this is not the case.

1) I will not consume McDonalds, Burger King, Arbys, Ruby Tuesdays, Hardees, KFC, Taco Bell or any other food that you can get within less than two minutes and rarely tastes better than it's cardboard or plastic container.

2) I will resist the urge to drive everywhere including anywhere within a radius of 20 minutes walking distance. If people offer me lifts, I shall politely decline and say that I want to walk.

3) I will not drink more than 10 cups of coffee in a day.

4) I will not drive whilst on my cell phone, whilst clearly intoxicated, and I will use my indicators at all times. Furthermore, I shall not splash unsuspecting pedestrians with water 'just for a laugh'

5) I will not pay for anything less than $10 total value with my credit card and then wonder why the overloaded person behind me is getting somewhat angry when it keeps getting rejected and i have to go through all of my other 8 credit cards.

6) I will not cheerfully ask 'how are you doing?' when I am really just being polite and do not want to hear a response. Further to this, if I do say this by mistake, I shall listen sincerely to the other person's woes and not launch into my own diatribe.

7) Finally, I will not insist that "American Idol" is the best show on TV and will further resist calling in repeatedly in case they decide to renew it for another 15 seasons.

And there we have them. If anyone has some more resolutions to add to this, please feel free to do so.


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