Saturday, November 11, 2006

Remembrance of Things Past

As many of us are probably aware, today marks nearly 90 years since the end of the First World War (aka The Great War) and is also the holiday of Veteran's Day over here in the US (although most people had the Friday off with it coinciding with a Saturday). There was a time, I will freely admit, when I thought that it was time to let the past stay in the past. Yes, there were considerable losses in that war (more so, I believe, that in any war since) and many people lost their lives to defend, certainly, my country. Yes, we should remember them, but time is progressing and it's perhaps better not to dwell on the mistakes of the past and hope that we have learnt from them. However, these past few years, my attitude to Remembrance Day (as it is called in the UK) has undergone something of a change although I have always had the utmost respect for all veterans of these wars. We owe these men and women more than can be said in simple words.

Certainly, given the current world climate, I think that remembering wars of the past now takes on an even greater significance. When such horrific losses have occurred in the past, it seems strange that we have governments in power with an almost resigned attitude to war. Whilst, lately, there has been a bit more of a swing towards diplomacy first, the threat of military action seems to be bandied about far too freely and, for me, far too quickly. Whilst I am aware that 'appeasement' was perhaps a major flaw leading up to the Second World War, I think that brandishing the lightsabres (as it were) at the first possible sign of maybe some danger is rather foolhardy indeed. Particularly when a lot of countries forces are spread very thinly as it is. Rather, instead of initiating new conflicts, perhaps trying to sort out existing problems such as the ongoing Darfur conflict for one would be far more beneficial for all. All in all, Remembrance of Things Past now seems more important than ever. Perhaps if we can remember what has happened before, we may all think twice about what's going on around us now.


At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

here here!!!

At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never a more true word spoken!

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well wrote!!!!


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