Chez Moi Part Deux
As promised, here are some photos of Saturday night's cocktail party. Also, to point out, that i didn't take all of these shots - as I was far too busy being the genial host.

The Makeshift Bar - good, eh?

Paola, Kaz and Viviana

Stefka and Jola pose for the camera.

Okay, so i didn't work ALL night.

Lying down on the job!

A Group Shot
Just a selection - all the REALLY embarassing ones are being reserved for blackmail purposes.
Put your little finger away young are not that posh!!!
Is that a picture of ABBA on the side?
Did you have any JD? Its not a party without it!!
It is a picture of ABBA - or, more specifically, it was a leaving card given to me by friends back in the UK.
And, no, we didn't have JD - none of the cocktails I was making had any call for it. Plus, JD and I have something of a love-hate relationship. I love it - but hate the hangover it gives me!
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