An Italian Wedding (Party)
Yesterday was the chance for a good number of the lab to turn out into the baking hot sun and celebrate the impending wedding of Chiara and Maurizio - occuring back in Italy next month. Anyway, there was good food, drink and dancing (as i've said before, who said scientists can't party?). And much fun was had. Here are some photos for your perusal.

The(Soon-to-be) Happy Couple

The Group Shot

Let's Dance!!

Yusuf and Lina (aka The Bosses)

Desserts (naturally)

Two Italians.
Oh, and for anyone who was wondering, the tiramisu recipe is on the way.
handy hint:
Bro, can I suggest that you maybe adjust the white balance setting on your camera you have some flaring around white objects!
Wendy suggests having a look at your white balance settings.
Thanks for the advice. Alas, other people managed to get hold of it to get a couple of shots - so i didn't notice this until after the fact.
Thanks again though.
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