Moving Day
The end of my first week in Charleston is approaching - and bringing with it the move to my apartment, which will be beginning tonight (Thurs) and completing tomorrow (Fri). Unlike in the UK, the vast majority of apartments here come with absolutely nothing other than a stove, fridge and worktop space. I've been fortunate in taking over the lease from one of the guys in the lab here and so i actually have a bed waiting for me - but very little else. Still, that should have changed by Saturday night - another of my colleagues has offered to drive me to a couple of shops where they have absolutely everything and anything you could imagine. Suffice to say, money is going to be spent. I suspect my credit card may have melted by the end of the day - that is if it hasn't done so already in this heat.
By now, i guess, you're probably sick of me mentioning the weather in these posts (well, the three that there have been since i arrived) so i promise i'll try not to go on about it much more - unless extreme tropical storms etc. appear in the coming weeks (who knows? It is apparently "storm season" now - and will be until the end of August so i believe). It's strange though - one of the major stereotypical traits given to us British - more English i suppose - is that we talk incessantly about the weather. How many of us, when at a loss for something to say have mentioned the weather? All of us i would probably wager. Looks like we're not the only ones though - the good folk of Charleston are just a crazy about it as we Brits - and i suspect the rest of the US follow suit. Still, gives me something to talk about, eh?