Wednesday, March 26, 2008

10 Things I Hate About.....

Okay, so after sitting and racking my brain for a number of days, i was hard pushed to come up with 10 things that i hated about something in particular (apart from, perhaps, the ongoing saga/boredom that is the US presidential election nominations - seriously, does anyone care any more?). Anyways, i decided to reformat this post somewhat to account for just general things that have recently given me cause to grumble and gripe. Which i do most days anyway. In no particular order:

1) Shop assistants who insist on giving you your receipt and then dumping all your loose change on top of it so that when you pull the receipt out (to put the money in your pocket), change goes everywhere. A word to the wise - if we're paying cash, we probably don't care about receipts!!

2) People who insist upon meeting/doing something at a certain time, only to be late/turn up late. Hello!! If you INSIST upon a prearranged time, please forgive me if i feel an urge to kneecap you when you're late!!

3) People who patronise you because 'you don't understand how it works over here'. Um, yes, indeed, as i'm from the back and beyond, we clearly don't have TV or the internet, live in cottages with thatched roofs and have no idea of what's going on outside of my own country. Sound familiar to anyone in the Midwest?

4) People who go to the gym but clearly aren't there to exercise - it's all about catching up with gossip or standing around looking like they might break into a sweat.

5) Those who use anything and everything they can find to excuse the fact that they're overweight. Okay, so all that cake, burgers, sugar, fat and other stuff has nothing to do with it. It's all about the plastic containers that you use!

6) In the same vein, people who wax lyrical about how they eat healthy and are still slightly above average weight, yet will happily cover their sandwiches in mayonnaise and oil, have cheese and high fat dressing on their salads, and have the 'occasional' (read: every other hour) biscuit.

7) People who use those headset phones that fit into their ear. Walking around looking like you're insane for starters is bad enough, but having a conversation at the TOP OF YOUR VOICE, in the queue at the cash register, at a table with your colleagues, or hell, just anywhere outside of your own office is rude!!

8) Reality TV - just stop, okay. Otherwise firebombs are in the mail!

Okay, so i could go on. Indeed, in a couple of weeks, i might very well do so again. But i think i've done enough venting for now. Perhaps in my next post, i might get back to something resembling coherence. Well, stranger things have happened.



At 3:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats only 8, you are 2 short!


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