Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Oil and Vinegar?

So, after yet another mishap at my local Subway, this time being given Oil and Vinegar on my sandwich instead of Oregano. Okay, so they at least sound very vaguely alike if you weren't paying attention - better than the whole tomato-mustard debacle, but it made me think - oil and vinegar on a sandwich? Ewwwwww. Now, correct me if i'm wrong but i'm certain that this isn't something very common in the UK - at least not in the Subway chain there. I'm almost fairly certain that it's not de rigeur for the rest of the continent but then, having only done a little travelling in Europe and most of that when i was younger, i couldn't swear to it. I personally just find it a very unusual addition to it all. Thus, when you ask for a sandwich all the way, you get lots of salad stuff, mustard and mayonnaise, oil and vinegar. Whether you like it or not! A handful of times, i have made requests not to add the oil and vinegar and got some unusual looks but, hey, i don't really like eating oil that much.

Now, okay, i know what you're thinking - Chris, you're clearly losing it. After all, what are the main constituents of salad dressing - oil and vinegar of course. But i have to say i prefer them mixed with the other stuff rather than separately. I don't particularly like biting into a sandwich and having oil oozing down my finger. Or chin. Now, i guess a bowl of salad is a different thing - i did add some olive oil (very GOOD olive oil i shoud add) to my salads in Italy, but i stress it was minus the bread. And also, in my defence, i have borne witness to people getting sandwiches from Subway with no salad on whatsoever and getting it dowsed in oil. I mean, so saturated that you could set the thing alight. Okay, so also when you go to restaurants you get bread, and olive oil usually to put on a plate and dip it in, and i often do that myself. So i guess all in all, it makes the whole post here somewhat of a waste of time. Well, i suppose it's all down to personal taste. I suppose i'm just venting from the fact that the worker was busy chatting to her friend instead of listening to what i was saying, and completely didn't get what i wanted. I suppose the morale of the story is that i REALLY should stop going to this Subway!

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At 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was first introduced to cooking American foods, whilst still living in England, for some unknown reason, I insisted on putting cucumbers on the hamburgers.
I figured if they put lettuce and tomato, then NOT cucumbers ?
I didn't see the difference between fresh cucumbers, and pickles.
I since have.......
If you have ever eaten a "slim jim" sandwich, consisting of several differnt cold cuts of meat, shredded lettuce, tomato, and usually mozarella cheese, it's common to sprinkle the whole lot with oil and vinegar dressing...
Not quite a "crisp butty" but what the heck.

At 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oil and vinegar on sandwiches is the best, or, at least, it was when I was still a meat-eater.

See you tomorrow/today,

your faithful, clumsy lab assistant who is currently procrastinating the writing of her paper on Picasso


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