Monday, February 04, 2008

Back to Reality???

With the Hollywood Writer's Strike still going strong, the vast majority of shows have now run out of new episodes to air. Thus, we're currently being treated to the delights of either re-runs, inane quiz shows (such as the recent 'Moment of Truth' - a lie-detector based 'game show') or, you've guessed it, that old chestnut the Reality Show. Yep, they're back with a vengeance - ok, so they never really went away over here - and with the writers showing no sign of leaving the picket lines at the moment, unfortunately they're probably going to be here to stay as the viewing figures are going up. Now, i wouldn't mind so much if these shows actually required some modicum of talent to be on, or actually involved normal people acquiring skills of a kind (Dancing With the Stars is still relatively tolerable as, at least, they have to DO something). Alas, it's largely not the case and we are landed with incredible amounts of airheaded, whiny people on the screen moaning about how they SO deserve to be doing something and its just NOT FAIR that they can't. Never mind the fact that i have more talent in my little finger than most of them put together.

Of course, I guess Europe is to blame for this in the end. I seem to vaguely remember that the original Big Brother (in Holland?) is responsible for the resurge in all this cheap, tacky crap. Then, of course, the Pop Idol of England heightened it - but then at least we came to our senses (somewhat) after two series of that. Alas, American Idol is still going strong over here and shows no signs of stopping. I wouldn't mind so much if they didn't drag it out for ever with the preliminary rounds and then the RIDICULOUSLY slow elimination. What makes this even worse to bear is that all water cooler conversation ceases to be about anything remotely interesting and focuses entirely on this for the time it's on. I can feel my eyes glazing over at the thought of it already. I, for one, am PRAYING that the writers resolve their differences soon and we can actually get some decent TV back on again. Oh, and if the creators of 'America's Most Smartest Model' are reading, it's not big and its not clever. Now just let it drop!!

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At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must be one of the very few people for whom the writers strike has no impact. I almost never watch TV, so I don't miss any of the shows they write for!


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