Sunday, March 25, 2007

Wedding Shower

Sunday rolled round last week and, with it, an invitation to yet another party - never let it be said that scientists don't know how to have a good time!! The occasion this time was the impending nuptials of a colleague Norma to her fiance Andy. The wedding itself is taking place in Norma's home country of Argentina and so, in order for us all here to have some kind of a celebration, a 'wedding shower' was organised. Taking place at a workmate's house (Nabil and his wife Kelly's place in North Charleston), the stage was set for a pleasant Sunday afternoon gathering and, indeed, was as it turned out to be. Naturally, the weather was immensely co-operative in providing what felt like the hottest day so far this year (and I mean low 80s and sunshine. At the end of March. God, i love living in a semi-tropical climate!). One rather amusing highlight of the afternoon was a game that started early and progressed throughout the afteroon whereby everyone was given a peg on a part of their clothing. The aim of the game was to try and get as many pegs as possible from other people - and to do this, you had to get them to say 'wedding' whereupon you could remove all the pegs that person had. Suffice to say, this led to some VERY amusing attempts to get people to say 'wedding'. Naturally, the bride-to-be was one of the two top prize winners - mainly as absent-minded people forgot about the game (after one or two glasses of wine) and happily chatted to Norma about the wedding ceremony and such. Anyways, a fun afternoon all round - and Best Wishes to Norma and Andy for the future.


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