Friday, March 23, 2007

Pulling Out

Okay, so my original intent for this post was a general rumination and pondering of the recent developments over here with the passing of a bill by the House of Representatives whereby all American troops would be removed from Iraq by the fall of 2008. Basically, this was going to be a diatribe on the fact that the bill itself contained all sorts of 'pork' (as they call it) in that a lot of money allocated in the bill was for things that matter to a lot of people - and if their representatives want to do their job properly would HAVE to vote for it. It was also going to cover, what i think, is the lunacy of the idea (whilst I do agree that the Iraqis need to have more control of THEIR country, I also think that the US made it's bed over there and they have a responsibility to lie in it, and see it through rather than pulling out just cause they're sick of it - for once, on this front, Bush and I are somewhat in agreement). Anyway, after having posted this subject and 'COMING SOON' nearly a week ago, i've just grown so tired and weary of having the whole thing being repeated, and discussed, and criticized, and idolized, and God knows what else on CNN that i've just had it up to here with it all. In short, it's been done to death and i think that in the few sentence above, i've summed up my position quite succinctly. So i'm going to leave it at that (and i'm sure you're all glad as well!)


At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,
I've just been catching up on your blog for the past few weeks - sounds like you've been having fun! Glad your dad enjoyed his stay, and I'm sooo jealous that you went to the Blue Ridge Mountains. I even spotted a photo of me from my fabulous visit way back in September - I have such happy memories of it. I miss you lots, but rumour has it you'll be back in Blighty at the end of April - don't think you'll be able to escape seeing us all! Don't forget your thermal undies...
Lots of love, Rachel x


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