Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Bit Nippy

Leave it to the British to moan about the weather - or that's what you'd expect anyway. Y'see, after having a nice couple of weeks of unseasonably warm weather at the start of the year, it seems that we're paying for it now by having weather that could be described as 'a bit chilly'. Thus, when the sun isn't shining directly on you (the sun does still come out and we have generally nice clear blue skies), the temperature leaves a lot to be desired. This morning, i was up quite early to come to the lab to switch media and was watching the news as i ate breakfast. The weather came on and revealed that it had only just climbed above 35F - that's about 1C - no wonder i legged it to work as fast as my (frozen) legs could manage.

Now, i know what most of you are thinking - at least the one's back home. From what my family have been telling me, it's not exactly been a picnic over there. But then you do have to remember that this is a place where the summer is ridiculously hot so this kind of cold is felt even more so. Well, at least that's my excuse (and i'm sticking by it!!!). From what i've been told, there is usually one last cold spell before Spring hits and the temperature turns more clement. I'm hoping this is it. And it could always be worse. Last i heard, there was about a foot of so in Washington DC and places in Maryland and Massachusetts had lost a lot of power. Hey, maybe it'll help with the oil prices!


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