The Invisible Man
With Hallowe'en just around the corner, this weekend was the time for anyone to have a party - and, true to form, a couple of my workmates through a party at their house downtown. Now costume was encouraged but not mandatory so after much humming and hoe-ing, I decided quite late in the week that i would dress up. Now if i'd had more time, i think i would have fulfilled my ambition of going to a party as Frank'n'furter (from Rocky Horror) just one time in my life - but i really didn't have the time to go looking for fishnet stockings at THAT short notice. Especially with the length of leg that i have (thanks again Mum and Dad!). On top of that, I didn't want to make a huge effort and spend a lot of money on a costume. Thus, I came up with a compromise - using a coat, hat, gloves and sunglasses that i already had. All that was needed was some bandages which i went and got on Saturday afternoon - and I was ready to go. All I had to do was wrap my neck and head in bandages, put the sunglasses on with hat, coat and leather gloves, and voila - I was the Invisible Man. I knew the costume worked when i managed to scare a guy at a crossroads on the way to the party.
Of course, this costume also had some downsides, not least of which was that wearing sunglasses in the dark makes seeing things very tricky. On top of that, the bandages weren't particularly comfortable, and made it very difficult to drink. As they were also slightly elastic as well, they did a great job of making my head feel like it was being squeezed in a vice - and every fifteen minutes or so, I had to pull them up off of my nose to allow it respite. The leather gloves also made it quite tricky to pick things up as well. Eventually after two hours of this, i gave up and took the coat, gloves, hat and bandages off - but kept the sunglasses on, just to be pretentious. Still, many people commented on how good it looked and that they were very impressed. And I guess it was good practice i case I accidentally make myself invisible during my scientific career. Watch this space!!!